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Fully Vetted Sitters & Nannies

We make finding childcare easy and safe!

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What We Offer


Book A Sitter

Access fully vetted and screened sitters. (48 hour notice)


Full-time and temporary nanny placements.

Activity Kit

Providing fun surprises for children to learn and play.

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Why Our Agency

How It Works

Book A Sitter

Select Your Membership
Set up Your Account
Post Your Job
Review Sitter Profiles
Start Booking

Find A Nanny

Get Consultation
Find A Nanny
Interview Prospective Candidates
Make an Offer
Receive Ongoing Support

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We're always looking for professional sitters and nannies to join our team.  If you love working with children, we'd love to have you become part of Surprise Sitters. 

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Surprise Play™ Activities

Promotes Creativity  Encourages Curiosity  Aids Cognitive Development

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Our activities are designed to be fun, stimulating and full of surprises! We offer activities for children at the age of 6 months to 12.


Surprise Play™ Activities are included in every booking and nanny placement.

Check Out A List Of Playgrounds Near You

We've partnered with GTM, one of the most reputable payroll services with over 30 years in the industry.

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